Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Another approach

An on-line friend suggested I try something similar to Franklin Booth's faux-woodcut style.

So I took a face from one of Gerrit van Honthorst's paintings and made a study. This is quite a labor-intensive process!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Elsje Christiaens

Here are two studies I made based on two sketches by Rembrandt of Elsje Christiaens on a gibbet at the gallows, Amsterdam, 1664.

I'm working on a graphic novel on her at the moment...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Going back to an older story

I decided to give the "Else Christiansen" story another shot, as a serialized web strip. I think it would be a fantastic match.

So I've been scripting and thumb-nailing today. If it goes as planned, I want to tell the story in 144 episodes (12 x 12).

So here's a character design sketch for Else Christiansen. What do you think, does this look like a Danish girl who is eighteen? She's supposed to be timid. That's not really the case for this one. She seems pretty angry :-)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Charles Bargue drawing course!

I recently found a book with the plates Charles Bargue had put together. They were meant to be copied by students. I find I am enjoying copying them, and I'm learning a lot from them.

Here's a foot.

Just a sketch

Just a sketch.